A blog / biblioblog by New Testament scholar Danny Zacharias. It includes his musings on whatever he is musing about.
Biblical Greek Made Simple Online Course
On the heals of the release of Biblical Greek Made Simple, I’m happy to announce that my online Greek course has been fully revamped to complement the textbook.
On the heels of the release of Biblical Greek Made Simple, I’m happy to announce that my online Greek course has been fully revamped to complement the textbook. This video course is ideal for self-learners or those who want to shake the dust off of their Greek skills. The course contains over 12 hours of video instruction from yours truly, as well as handy access to many of the additional components I have created for the textbook. This includes vocabulary flashcard resources, additional learning videos from my YouTube channel, and study flashcards for each chapter. Also included is a PDF of the learning activities for those who would prefer not to write in their textbook, as well as an answer key which is on its way!
I hope to see you in the course!
Let Me Teach You Some Practical Study Skills With My New Online Course
I'm happy to announce today that I am working hard on video courses aimed at the same groups of students my two eBooks are aimed at, using my go-to platform Udemy. Just last week, the first of these courses went live. It is called Practical Study Skills: Set Yourself Up For Success.
If you've visited my website before you know that I have two published eBooks devoted to helping students. Surviving and Thriving in Seminary is aimed at seminary students, while Crush It at College (co-authored by Bryan Tinlin) is aimed more generally at college and university students.
I'm happy to announce today that I am working hard on video courses aimed at these same groups using my go-to platform Udemy. Just last week, the first of these courses went live. It is called Practical Study Skills: Set Yourself Up For Success. This course is aimed at the general college and university student. My next course, tentatively titled Seminary Bootcamp, will go live sometime in the next few months.
Now, I have some good news and some bad news for my blog readers. First, the bad news (for some of you). You may or may not know that I have an email list (you can sign up for it on the front page of my website). Last week, the people on my email list received this new course FOR FREE. And I plan on giving these types of perks to people on my email list in the future, so you really should sign up.
But I still have much love and affection for my blog readers. So the good news is that you (or anyone you give the link to) can enroll in this new course for just $5 by using this link. This coupon is good only until the end of the month, so don't waste time.
One last thing, when you enroll for the course, I would be most grateful if you could take a minute to leave an honest rating and review in Udemy. This really helps me with promotion.