Christmas @ Logos 2019!
Most who know me or read this blog know that I’m an avid Logos user. I plan in the new year to start posting a bit more about Logos in the form of video, as I’m now an official Logos partner.
Christmas is always a great time of year for Logos users because of all of the Christmas specials. So if you’re like me and like to buy yourself Christmas gifts, I’d encourage you to check out the sales. I want to highlight a few in particular as items that I’d recommend in particular.
Base Packages are on Sale
Of course, if you don’t have a base package, then this is often the best, though priciest, place to start. Given the cost, it is not always easy to decide which to purchase if choosing for the first time, but now is a good time as they are on sale. My typical recommendation is to ensure that you have the full Logos feature set, which is included with all the base packages at the Silver level and above include the full feature set. At Silver you also get a good starter set of commentaries. If commentaries are more what you are looking for, then I’d say go for the Gold, and even more technical (i.e. those dealing even more with the primary languages) are included at the Platinum level.
Study the Incarnation with N. T. Wright
One of this year’s Christmas special is some more concise books by the renowned New Testament scholar N. T. Wright. Advent for Everyone is 3 volumes focusing on the infancy narratives of Matthew and Luke, as well as the teachings from elsewhere in the NT on the incarnation.
Lexham Geographic Commentaries
Some of my favorite items in this year’s Christmas sale are featured in the “12 days of Logos” promotion. The first is the Lexham Geographic commentaries. The two NT volumes are now out, with the 3 OT volumes forthcoming. These are unique contributions to the Bible commentary space, focusing specifically on geography in a way that no other contextual-type commentaries have. A great addition to anyone’s Logos collection!
Expositor’s Bible Commentary
The final sale I want to mention is another resource featured in the “12 days of Logos” promotion. The EBC is a very fine commentary series in the evangelical tradition. I often get asked about what my favorite commentaries are, or what I recommend. There is no one series that I think is the absolute best, but additionally it is often students who are on a budget that ask me. When cost is a factor, the EBC is often my recommendation. the EBC is 12 volumes and covers the entire Bible with 8,400+ pages of commentary and 700+ pages of introductory article material. So do not let the 12 volumes fool you, these are substantive commentaries.
Merry Christmas everyone!